I was inspired to start The Cuddlers® when my own son was hospitalized at DMC Children’s Hospital.
When Leo had his emergency appendectomy, Pete and
I were scared and stunned.
The quality of care was outstanding, and we will be forever grateful for the top notch team at DMC Children’s Hospital. I was lucky enough to be able to stay by Leo's side during his entire hospitalization. It was then that I became aware of the precious babies who were alone.
My heart hurt for them and I wanted to help.
As I sat in Leo’s room I wondered my two favorite words … What if?
What if I offered to cuddle a baby?
What if I asked some friends to join me?
I called Luanne Ewald, the CEO of Children’s Hospital
of Michigan, and asked if I could recruit friends to help.
She said “absolutely."
It started with a mass email and five moms who replied
in less than two minutes (literally!) with “We're in!"
In October of 2017, our pilot group was launched.
The experience is more rewarding and profound then anything I could have imagined. It’s not always easy to find the time to go downtown but it is always one of the most rewarding times of my week.
We are so thankful for your interest in becoming a volunteer Cuddler.
We feel that we have laid a good foundation for our organization, but there is still so much room to grow. Should you decide to join us, your participation will make the Cuddlers an even better, stronger and more caring organization. To help with your decision-making, visit our frequently-asked questions for more information.
We look forward to Cuddling along side you.
Currently providing critical cuddles at:

Danialle and Leo

Danialle and Luanne

The Cuddlers® Pilot Group. Alexis, Chrissy, Leah, Connie,
Luanne, Danialle, Tracey